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Let's Talk About Championing Others in the Harvest Phase

Reaching the Harvest phase feels like a major win. You see the results of all your effort and it’s definitely a time to celebrate. But it’s also a moment to think about the future and how to make sure the path you’ve cleared benefits everyone coming after you. This is where the idea of championing, or standing up for your team and colleagues, really comes into its own.

Championing is essentially about being an advocate. It’s spotting where things aren’t fair or where someone doesn’t have the same opportunities and doing something about it. Whether that’s speaking out against unfair practices or ensuring everyone has access to the same chances to succeed, it’s about taking action.

At this stage, while you're basking in the success, it's crucial to ask, "How can we continue to improve?"

Keeping the momentum going is vital. Success feels great, but when it’s shared, it’s even better. Ensuring fair treatment helps keep everyone motivated and dedicated. You’re also setting the stage for those who follow. The changes you advocate for today can have lasting impacts, making things better for the next set of people standing in your shoes.

When you stand up for what's right, you inspire others to follow suit. It’s about demonstrating true leadership qualities. But how do you champion effectively?

Start by listening. Understanding the challenges your team faces is the first step to advocating for them. Then, use your voice. Don’t hesitate to highlight what needs to change, whether it’s recognizing someone’s contributions or advocating for broader changes. Remember, actions speak volumes. Your daily commitment to fairness and support shows your dedication.

And remember, championing is not a one-time deal. It’s an ongoing commitment to improving your workplace for everyone. As we celebrate our achievements in the Harvest phase, let’s also commit to being champions for our team, ensuring our success is sustainable and inclusive.

By pushing for positive changes, we’re not just ending on a high note—we’re creating a legacy. Let’s keep advocating for what’s right and make championing part of our daily lives.

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